
Mon Apr 19 21:22:21 JST 2004


About Examples

SQL expressions for database and model files for examples are under /sql and /model directories.

Data Browser (browser.rb)

Searches database using with Qualifier expression. Execute the program with path of a model file from command line.

  % ruby browser.rb modelfile.yaml

Next, specify entity ("use entity-name") to search database.

  % browser> use entity_name
  entity changed
  % browser> name like 'a*'

"help" is to display help, "quit" is to quit the program.

Register CSV Data (register_csv.rb)

Reads CSV data and add to database.

SQL Issue (sql_issue.rb)

Issues SQL directory to use SQL functions. TapKit generates SQL, but you have to create SQL expressions to use SQL functions.

Book List (/booklist_cgi)

A CGI script to control Book table on database. To install this, copy the script and a model file (relationship_entity.yaml) to CGI directory.

Aggregating (aggregating.rb)

An example of aggregating with AggregateSpec.