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CKGenericElement generates generic HTML tags.

Required attribute: tag

Attributes of CKGenericElement
Attribute Type Description
tag String Name of the HTML tag. If the attribute is nil, body enclosed by the element or stringattribute are displayed.
enabled true/false Enables or disables the tag. If the attribute is false, body enclosed by the element or stringattribute are displayed.
string String String to display if body enclosed by the element isn't exist.
option String String to append for the open tag. For example, checkedor selected.
form_value String If the element is form, the attribute is setted form datas as a string.
form_values Array If the element is form, the attribute is setted form datas as an array.
invoke_action CKComponent If the element is executable (hyperlink, button, etc.), the method is called when clicked.

You can define other voluntary attributes. The attributes is appended to the tag in format as "attribute=value".