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List of Elements

Currently, there are 19 types of elements. CKString is used the most frequently. This element simply shows the result of its binding. Other than CKString, there are varied elements. For example, CKConditional controls the display of its content. CKRepetition shows its content repeatedly by iterating "list" attribute. Here, we introduce some elements briefly. The detail is available as "Dynamic Elements".

Element Description
CKString Shows the result of binding simply.
CKHyperlink Links to other component or normal URL.
CKImage Shows an image in resource directory.
Flow Control
Element Description
CKConditional Decides whether the element shows its content by the result of binding.
CKRepetition Repeats its content.
Element Description
CKForm Shows a HTML form. The form data is assigned to a component through bound methods.
CKTextField Shows a textfield.
CKRadioButton Shows a radiobutton.
CKCheckbox Shows a checkbox.
CKPopUpButton Shows a pop-up button.
CKText Shows a textarea.
CKBrowser Shows a list where you can select multiple items.
CKFileUpload Shows a file-upload field.
CKSubmitButton Shows a submit-button.
CKResetButton Shows a reset-button.
Coordination of Component
Element Description
CKFrame Sets components in frame.
CKComponent Locates elements or components in itself.
CKContent Shows the grandparent's content.
CKGenericElement Generates a generic HTML tag.